Sustain kc (Q&A) Sustain kc (Q&A) Sustain kc (Q&A)

Through the generations of IVCFP students, their mandate is to not only grow personally in Christlikeness, but be trustworthy in evangelism discipleship and missions, entrusting the gospel to a succeeding generation of Christ-followers who will “also be qualified to teach others.

KC started in the 1950s with more than 150.000 students who have been trained and equipped for missions, ministries, work in the marketplace or homes.

Each year, we appeal to graduates and IV supporters to seek financial support for KC’s funding to subsidize speakers, camp rental, staff transportation and food, etc. to add to the students’ registration fees

It is an innovative way of raising funds so that we can be assured of SUSTAINING KC and other discipleship camps in the years to come. A new special fund (SUSTAIN KC) will be in the form of a trust fund wherein the accumulated principal and interest will be kept intact over a number of years until such time when we have the target level of funds. Once we have attained the target, the earnings (the principal will be kept intact) will then be used to fund KC.

The basic idea is that the “seed money” will earn enough to make Kawayan Camp self-sustaining by year 2030 depending on the prevailing interest rate. Assuming a possible earning of 8-10%, a seed money of $20,000 per year will enable us to sustain KC operations in 8-10 years. Right now, the estimate is that we need about $25,000 a year to meet the needs of KC and other camps.

You can help us set up this special fund, SUSTAIN KC. Starting 2021, we are hoping to raise $20,000 a year. We are looking for 200 donors who can make annual contributions of $100 or more.

You can help us set up this special fund, SUSTAIN KC. Starting 2021, we are hoping to raise $20,000 a year. We are looking for 200 donors who can make annual contributions of $100 or more.

Despite the global economic downturn, our God is a big God:

“In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity..” (2 Corinthians 8:2)

Let us make SUSTAIN KC a reality!!

Let us make SUSTAIN KC a reality!

And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others."