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“Praise the Lord! Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever.” (Psalm 106:7)
Balikatan’s new integrated approach to fundraising! We are raising at least 100 partners and stewards who will give at least $100.00 a month, which will then be designated to specific Intervarsity Christian Fellowship of the Philippines (IVCFP) and Balikatan critical needs. We encourage our Partners & Stewards to consider PS100 as your main giving vehicle since it is straightforward and comprehensive.
* As needed, Balikatan may still continue to raise funds for additional/special needs projects as they arise throughout the year.
Please prayerfully consider becoming a Balikatan PS100 giver. We invite you, your family, your friends and every one else in your sphere of influence to join us in this significant campaign! For a downloadable Commitment Pledge, click on the button below. Thank you and may God continue to fervently bless you. |
Partners and stewards are encouraged to give at least $100.00 monthly to be divided to the ministry designations as listed. Requested also is the addition of $5.33 admin fee for the processing of the gift. |
Partners and stewards are welcome to give a lump sum, one time annual gift of at least $1,200.00. Requested also is the addition of $64.00 admin fee for the processing of the gift. |
- What is PS 100? It is an integrated and simpler approach to Balikatan’s fundraising. We are raising 100 partners and stewards who will give $100 a month regularly and long-term.
- How different is this from Balikatan’s other fundraising activities? Instead of raising funds for separate projects or needs, PS 100 will cover most of Balikatan and IVCFP’s projects. Balikatan will use PS 100 as its primary fundraising approach. However, there may still be separate fundraising campaigns in special circumstances such as the Trust Fund, Sustain KC and special projects.
- Where will my $100 a month go? It will be distributed to six different projects as follows:
a. Dollar A Day for Staff Pay ($50)
b. Intensive Leadership Training for both staff and students including yearly Kawayan Camp ($10)
c. Balikatan’s Alumni-in-Ministry or AIM ($10)
d. Balikatan’s operational expenses such as website maintenance, remittance fees, membership fee for ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability) and airfare of the National Director to Balikatan conference ($10)
e. Two sustainability/ investment funds: Sustain KC ($10) and Balikatan Trust Fund ($10)
- Will $100 a month be enough for the needs and projects of IVCFP and Balikatan? It will cover most of our projects and needs. $100 a month from 100 donors will total $10,000 a month. For 12 months, it will total $120,000 a year.
- I am already giving to IVCFP through Balikatan and I have designated it to specific needs. Should I change my designations? No need to change your designation if you want to keep them, unless you want to allocate them differently. With your commitment to a staff salary through Dollar A Day, we expect that you continue doing so.
- I am giving $50 a month. Isn’t that enough? Give as you are led by the Spirit. We encourage you, though, to add another $50 and join PS 100.
- I give $100 every now and then. How does PS 100 affect me? We encourage you to give$100 a month regularly. With this regular giving, we’ll meet our goal of supporting most projects.
- Can I give more than $100 a month? ABSOLUTELY!
- Does PS100 apply to Canada? YES! PS 100 donations from Canada (C$120) a month will be directly remitted to IVCFP through Kabalikat sa Ontario (KSO). The monitoring of these donations from Canada will be coordinated with IVCFP and KSO.
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency[a] in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:8 ESV