The Beginnings of My Faith
...I was a very active Catholic church goes in Sorsogon City from childhood to my teenage years. My late grandmother took me with her whenever she went to church and prayer meetings. I hardly missed a Sunday Mass.
I was a very active Catholic church goer in Sorsogon City from childhood to my teenage years. My late grandmother took me with her whenever she went to church and prayer meetings. I hardly missed a Sunday Mass. I began as a choir member then became a commentator, a youth president, a junior catechist assigned to teach little children in our barangay, and a facilitator in the inter-church summer youth camps of our parish. Since I was teaching catechism, I had Bible story books and other resources to help me prepare my lessons. I also had my personal Bible which I read every day, together with Our Daily Breaddevotional. Every night, I sat on our tin roof and gazed up to the sky to pray to God. At that time, I already felt and was convinced that God existed and I believed He was leading me to something, although I didn’t know what it was.
To read how Arjay’s encounter with the God of the Bible transformed him, please click here: https://conta.cc/2FHfqmi